

Tretinoin gel 1 % is a type of vitamin A which treats acne. Acne is a condition where pimples or spots appear on your back, chest, and face. It makes rough skin (facial) smooth and reduces fine wrinkles on the skin.

This gel reduces the extra oil that your skin produces. Using a thin film of this gel during nighttime for the duration prescribed by the skin doctor will give you the best results.

The quantity of this gel and duration depends on the condition you are getting treatment for. Ideally, wash & dry the affected skin area before you apply this gel.

Apply the gel to the broken or damaged skin and make sure that the gel doesn’t enter your nose, eyes, and mouth. You may have to wait for many months to see improvement but do not lose patience and continue applying it to see improvements.

In case you do not see any improvement in your skin condition after a couple of weeks, discuss it with your skin doctor. Do not apply this gel in large amounts than recommended as it will not give you faster results but can elevate the side effects.


This gel can make your skin hypersensitive to sunlight. So, try not to go out in sun or as less as possible else it will make your skin delicate. Do not go for hair removals such as waxing, or laser treatments while you are using this gel.

Nursing women & pregnant ladies or women planning to get pregnant should avoid using this gel as it can result in some birth defects.

What are the conditions treated by this gel?

What benefits this gel offers in treating Acne?

Tretinoin gel 1 %, a t type of vitamin A treats acne effectively. It clears the skin pores and prevents the formation of pimples and spots. You will have to wait for several weeks to see a visible difference in the conditions.

So, keep using this gel regularly. Sometimes your acne conditions make get worse before it improves. But, do not lose hope, with regular and correct use; you will see improvement in your skin. The sooner you start applying this gel; there fewer chances of getting scars.

Using this gel will also give you self-confidence as your skin will be acne free. Do not use this gel if you have sunburned skin or eczema.

What are the expected side effects of this gel?

  • Skin redness
  • Dry skin
  • Skin irritation
  • Dry lips
  • Increased sensitivity to light
  • Pale red skin

Tretinoin gel 1 % – How to use this gel?

This gel is meant for external use and not for internal use. Hence, the duration and dose of this gel are prescribed by the skin doctor. Wash your hands after you apply the gel. Before applying the gel, clean & dry the affected skin surface.

How does this gel work?

This gel reduces the extra oil production of the skin and restores the skin affected by acne and helps keep the skin pores open.



This gel is recommended for an external application so the possibilities of overdose are not possible. Still, if you consume it accidentally, get in touch with your medical expert urgently.

If you end up applying this gel in large amounts, wipe the extra gel using cotton/tissue.

Missed dose

Skipping the application of this gel is possible at times. So, put the gel on immediately after you realize it. Do not use it in large quantities to make up for the skipped application.

Dosage for Acne

Topical dosage – Gel, liquid, or cream

Adults – apply the medicine to the affected skin surface once a day during bedtime.
Children—apply it as instructed by the skin doctor.

Topical dosage – Lotion

Adults &children 9 years or above—use a thin film of the gel to affected skin areas once a day.

Children below 9 years- use as per the dose prescribed by the skin specialist. For dark spots, wrinkles, or rough skin (that occurs due to sunburn)

Topical dosage – Cream

Adults below 50 years – use the cream on the affected skin area once a day during nighttime.
Adults 50 or above 50 years of age- apply the cream in the exact dose as told by the skin specialist.

Drug-Drug interactions

Inform your skin doctor about other medications you are taking before you start treatment with this gel:

  • Other medications to treat acne
  • Abrasive/medicated cleansers and soaps.
  • Medications with high amounts of spices, astringents, or alcohol.

Drug-Food interactions

Avoid exposure of the skin surface to lime peel while you taking treatment with this gel.

Drug Warnings

Please inform your skin specialist if you are

  • Allergic to this gel or other medications
  • In case burning, redness, or stinging sensation gets severe at the application site or skin irritation, stop applying this gel and speak to the skin specialist.
  • If you are planning a pregnancy, pregnant, or breastfeeding woman, tell your physician before applying this gel.
  • Reduce sun exposure as much as possible. Wear sunscreen lotion/protective clothing if you are going outdoors in the hot sun. This gel makes your skin sensitive. Avoid using this gel in large amounts as it can result in skin discomfort, peeling of the skin, or skin uneasiness.
  • Apply this gel with extra care while using it with abrasive cleaners, soaps, astringents, and shampoo with high contents of electrolysis, alcohol, waxes, topical medicines, or hair depilatories as it can elevate skin irritation.

Storage instructions

  • Keep this gel away from the children.
  • Discard the expired medicine or medicine, not in use.
  • Discuss with your medical expert the correct way to dispose of this gel.
  • Store the medication in a tightly closed container at room temperature, not exposed to heat, direct light, or moisture. Avoid freezing this medicine.
  • Do not freeze.
  • The gel form can catch fire so keep it away from excessive heat & fire.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I plan for cosmetic procedures while using Tretinoin gel 1 %?

Your medical expert will determine whether you can keep using this gel or continue applying it before cosmetic procedures.
Please notify your skin doctor about other medications you are using before you start treatment with this gel. Also, discuss with your physician if you can undergo cosmetic surgery.

Why am I experiencing dry lips, dry noses, and dry skin after using this gel? Please help with tips to manage these.

One of the basic side effects of this gel is dry lips, skin, and nose. The reason is that this gel cuts down the release of oil which gives rise to skin dryness. You can manage the dryness caused due to this gel by using lubricants like Vaseline or other moisturizers.

If you are facing dry lips problems, you can apply some lip balm to get rid of dry & cracked lips. Drinking water in sufficient quantity will keep you hydrated.

Can I apply cosmetics after using this gel?

You can use the cosmetics one hour after applying this gel. Make sure you do not use cosmetics that have a powerful drying effect as they can elevate skin irritation. If you are applying any cosmetics, ensure that you clean the face before you apply this gel again.

Does this gel eradicate wrinkles?

This gel will not help you get rid of wrinkles completely neither it will repair skin damage caused due to sunburn. This gel may work on improving fine wrinkles to some extent, especially when you use it in combination with other skincare cosmetics.

Is it fine to use moisturizers with this gel?

You can use moisturizers every day during morning hours to prevent dryness in areas treated.

What if I swallow this gel by mistake?

It is harmful to swallow this gel. If you did it by mistake, get in touch with your medical expert immediately.

What precautions should be taken while applying this gel?

Avoid using this gel on cuts, eczema, and damaged or sunburned skin. Try to take good care of your skin and cut down exposure to sunlight as you may get sunburns easily. Wearing protective clothing and using sunscreen, and eyewear to safeguard your skin from the sun will be helpful.

Use sunscreen, wear protective clothing, and put on eyewear so that your skin doesn’t get damaged due to the hot sun. Some climatic conditions can cause skin irritation. Speak to your medical expert if that happens.

Can I use makeup during treatment with this gel?

You can use makeup while using this gel only if your skin doctor tells you to do so. Before using this gel, clean the skin surface where you have used the makeup.

Is it okay to use other skin preparations with this gel?

Avoid using other skin products with this gel without discussing it with your skin doctor. Avoid using products that cause skin irritation or make skin dry. Do not use products that contain lime, spices, alcohol some medicated shampoos or soaps.

Do not let others use this medicine. Avoid using other medicines comprising of retinoids not suggested by a skin doctor as it can result in unwanted peeling or redness of the skin.

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